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Cornell Basketball Player Xavier Eaglin ’19 Charged With First-Degree Rape


Xavier Eaglin ’19, a freshman with the Cornell Men’s Basketball team, has been charged with first-degree rape, three counts of first-degree criminal sexual assault and criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, the Cornell Daily Sun reports. According to the reports published by the Ithaca Voice, the incident in question occurred on February 15th at Balch Hall, where Eaglin is alleged to have raped the victim and choked her and covered her mouth.

Police have said that an investigation into the accusations are ongoing, and any further charges are currently pending. Eaglin has been placed on $50,000 cash and $100,000 bond bail, and there will be a preliminary hearing this Friday at the Ithaca City Court.

These allegations, although shocking and disturbing, are all too common on college campuses. Just recently Yale basketball captain Jack Montague was withdrawn from the University for unknown reasons, but allegedly due to sexual assault. And just here at Cornell, the President of the Psi Upsilon fraternity was arrested on charges of first-degree attempted rape.

Sexual assault is a very big issue on college campuses, one that isn’t going away, unfortunately, any time soon. In that way, I think a few things are clear. Firstly, follow the Cornell University Police’s advice on sexual assault, and use the resources available:

“The Cornell University Police urge anyone who has been a victim of sexual assault to call 911 to receive police assistance, emergency health care for injuries (appropriate to your circumstance), get access to supportive services and – if you choose to do so – to report a crime. Resources can also be found at

Secondly, support organizations on campus devoted to combating gender discrimination and ending sexual assault on college campuses, like It’s On Us and the Sexual Harassment and Assault – Response and Education Council on Sexual Violence Prevention.


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